Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What Shall We Do Before Leaving China?

Visit Beijing!
Shoulda, woulda, coulda.  I said I would go back to the man
giving haircuts on the street but never did.

Ceramic rooftop at the Temple of Heaven complex.

The Temple of Heaven. 
Laying bricks at the Mutianyu
section of the Great Wall.

Tiananmen Square and China's version of
the White House on the back of a 100RMB note.

The sun shines through the Water Cube.

Taking a load off at the Bird's Nest.

Carved artwork in our hotel's lobby.

View from atop the Summer Palace.

If you look back at all photos of me, you'll notice that
I'm wearing the same clothes all the time.  Why?
Easy to wash, quick drying, UV protection, and cool in the sun!

Some tasty treats for sale at Wangfujing walking street.
Yep, those are scorpions, crickets, starfish, and seahorses.
Nope, I did not try any.  No one dared me!

Saying goodbye to my local hosts.

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