Saturday, June 18, 2011

Letters from 2nd Grade Art Students

Whenever someone asks, "Why do you teach?" I'll just show them this blog entry.  Any other questions?
Dear Mr. Cabrera, ShuRui (ShoeRay) and I are going to miss you.  I wish you could be here (heart) next year.
You are the nicest (heart) teacher I ever met.

Dear Mr. Cabrera.  You are a great art teacher!  You are much better than my first grade teacher.
 I hope you can stay longer.
In 3rd grade I hope to find a teacher like you.
(Written with a sparkly gold pen) Dear Mr. Cabrera, Thank you for teaching me.  Your art lessons are very good. I like them very much. You are so nice because you never shout.  P.S. I love art lessons when you are teaching! 

"Mrs." Cabrera

Candace: "Take this with you.  It's you."
Maro: "We both made it."

(Front) Bye Bye Mr. Cabrera

(Inside) Draw you here.

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