Friday, November 19, 2010

A Tale of Three Cities

This is entry #1 of an unknown number of entries.

Our tale begins on October 21, 2010 in San Diego, which is home to  
4060 Morena Blvd, Suite C
San Diego, CA 92117
(877) 463-9476

(5-Piece Tortilla Making Kit)

After spending over 15 months overseas, I thought it was about time that I start making my own corn tortillas.  It seems that the masa (corn flour) needed to make these circular, edible, flexible plates to hold delicious concoctions of finely chopped carne asada, salsa, cilantro, and onions is not available in Morocco or China.

I had considered ordering a tortilla making kit (Mexican Tortillas Making Kitwhen I was in Marrakech last year, but when I heard that it would have taken several weeks to arrive, I thought I could just wait a few months until I went back home during the summer.  When I returned home, I visited a little market in San Juan Capistrano where a 3 pound sack of "Maseca" was only $4, and I still didn't buy it because I thought it would be too much additional luggage weight.

(Tortilla Press)

One late night, I visited the site again and took the plunge.  Something told me this would be an interesting blog entry -- ONE blog entry -- that would end with a photo of me making a fresh corn tortilla.  The only snag in my plan was that does not ship internationally.  They recommended Bongo International, a shipping broker that gives you a US address to have items shipped to, then they take care of shipping it overseas.  It all sounded so easy, so delicious, so tacos for lunch!

The shipping address is located in the second city in our tale: Bridgeport, Connecticut.

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