Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Better X, Better Y

That is the theme of this year's Expo and Shanghai is doing its best to make those words ring true in many areas, including transportation.  Take a look at this 4 second video I shot from my balcony recently:
Did you see it?  Was it a monorail?
A re-designed Oscar Meyer Weinermobile?  
No. It was a quiet, sleek, and brand new electric tram that was just launched in August 2010 and runs in a 10 km circuit throughout the Zingjiang HiTech Park area, our neighboring sector.

Better Transportation,
Better Sandwich. 

Until now it has been elusive, and finding information on it has been difficult, even though there is a stop just behind our apartment complex.  It is like a wild horse, and I am like a horse whisperer who will tame it...and ride it...on Friday.  I'm going to make two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and I will ride it's full circuit just for fun.  The cost? 2 kuai (about 30 cents).

Better Passenger Seat Video Screen,
Better Taxi Ride.
Here's another way to improve on uninformative, 
and perhaps boring, taxi rides when one is waiting 
at a stop light in the rain (that's the top of my head
above the headrest):

I'd Better stop.  Better yet, just go to another website.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a bloke. There is an antipodean magazine in the UK that offers all sorts of advice. There was a particular article I liked that was offering advice on what to do with your parents when they came to London.
    Mum - Antiques Roadshow
    Dad - Let him loose on the tube with a map.
    You've just reminded me of that article from long ago.
    Have fun and try a Vegemite sandwich next time, you'll never look back.
